HEC-RAS Training Series (OS-25-11-122)

On-demand: HEC-RAS Masterclass (OD-23-8-094)

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Advance your skills in HEC-RAS with this Masterclass

Full course details: https://awschool.com.au/training/hec-ras-masterclass/
  • Pre-course
  • Introduction
  • Required Downloads | Introductory Videos
  • Pre-Course Survey
  • Part 1
  • U1 - Course Welcome
  • U2 - Course Overview | Introduction
  • U3 - Log file | Setup
  • U4 - Incorporating ground survey into terrain data | Cross-section data
  • U5 - Advanced terrain modification
  • U6 - Preparing terrain for modelling hydraulic structures
  • Part 1 Exercises
  • Part 2
  • Part 2 Preparation
  • U7 - Part 1 Review | Part 2 Introduction | Tutorial model overview
  • U8 - Adding Terrain Features
  • U9 - 1D storage areas | Stage-volume curves
  • U10 - SA 2D Area connections | Elevation point layer
  • U11 - Control points | Spatially varying roughness/infiltration layers
  • U12 - Internal and external boundary conditions | Part 2 Wrap-up
  • Part 2 Resources
  • Part 2 Exercises
  • Part 3
  • Part 3 Preparation
  • U13 - Part 3 Introduction | Boundary Condition overview
  • U14 - Placing an Initial Condition Point
  • U15 - Subgrid resolution | Normal depth vs. stage hydrograph boundary condition
  • U16 - HEC-DSS
  • U17 - Precipitation data resources | Homework review for extracting hyetographs
  • U18 - Rain on grid boundary condition | Part 3 Wrap-up
  • Part 3 Resources
  • Part 3 Exercises
  • Part 4
  • Part 4 Preparation
  • U19 - Part 3 Recap | Part 4 Overview & Reference Manuals
  • U20 - Computational Time Step| Computation Log File | Batch Runs
  • U21 - Comparing WSE Results on Profile Lines | Courant Number and Error Results
  • U22 - Finite Difference vs. Finite Volume | 1D and 2D Computational Options
  • U23 - 1D/2D Options | Adaptive Time Steps
  • U24 - Mixed Flow Options | Part 4 Wrap-up
  • Part 4 Resources
  • Part 4 Exercises
  • Part 5
  • Part 5 Preparation
  • U25 - Part 4 Review | Troubleshooting errors with hydrographs
  • U26 - Part 4 Review | Turbulence sensitivity
  • U27 - Rain-on-grid Model | Sensitivity Analysis
  • U28 - Create rain-on-grid model from scratch | Geometry Data
  • U29 - Create rain-on-grid model from scratch | Flow and plan files
  • U30 - Comparing sensitivity results for Mannings roughness
  • U31 - Rating Curves | Part 5 Wrap-up
  • Part 5 Resources
  • Part 5 Exercises
  • Part 6
  • Part 6 Preparation
  • U32 - Part 5 Review
  • U33 - Part 6 Introduction & Overview
  • U34 - Enter Culvert Data | Embankment and SA/2D Connection
  • U35 - Enter Culvert and Bridge Data
  • U36 - Viewing & troubleshooting flow results at structures
  • U37 - HEC-RAS Applications Guide | Lateral Weirs
  • U38 - Bridge options | Culvert groups | Head losses
  • Part 6 Resources
  • Part 6 Exercises
  • Part 7
  • Part 7 Preparation
  • U39 - Part 6 Review
  • U40 - Part 7 Introduction | Exporting Layers | Plot Tolerance
  • U41 - Export a Raster | Merging Results
  • U42 - 3D KML | Google Earth Pro Demo | 3D Rendering
  • U43 - RASter Calculator: Afflux Maps
  • U44 - RASter Calculator: Flood Hazard Mapping
  • Part 7 Resources
  • Part 7 Exercises
  • Part 8
  • Part 8 Preparation
  • U45 - Part 7 Review
  • U46 - HEC-RAS Confluence Site | Applications Guide | Example Models
  • U47 - Start to finish: 1D model Part 1
  • U48 - Start to finish: 1D model Part 2
  • U49 - Start to finish: 2D model | Comparison to 1D
  • U50 - Additional HEC-RAS Resources | Course Wrap-Up
  • Part 8 Resources
  • Part 8 Exercises
  • Post-course
  • Final Feedback Survey (complete to receive certificate)
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Final Feedback Survey (complete to receive certificate)"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever